Read our free legal articles, tips and guides on when to seek independent legal advice, various deeds and how they can protect your property interests, how to deal with property disputes, mortgage products demystified and how to protect your estate.

Changing Locks and Family Homes
Changing locks often comes up when couples are thinking about separating, whether they're married, in a civil partnership, or living together. It's also a topic when one person has been asked to leave the shared home.

How to Remove Restriction on Property
What is a restriction on a property title, how to remove it & how long does it take to remove?

Can a Declaration of Trust be Changed?
When and why can a declaration of trust be changed: including how to use a deed of variation or deed of surrender for changing a deed of trust

Form B Restrictions
Form B restrictions only apply to some properties held in Trust. They protect the beneficiaries where a Trust restricts the power of the trustees.

Can You Cancel a Deed of Trust?
Wondering if you can cancel a deed? Your legally binding document can be overridden by a deed of surrender.

How To Sign A Deed
We've explained in a few simple steps on How to execute your Deed correctly to ensure it is legally binding.